For me, when it comes to the dye lab... I feel right at home, and I'm back in Farnham getting creating and making the best of my skills possible!
I've been extremely fortunate to be given a new stepping stone in my textile journey. For 3 months I am now the print technician at Farnham University textiles department, and I couldn't be in a better position. I am there 4 days a week as technician involving giving inductions to the students of how to use all the equipment safely, what they are used for and print processes. The job also involves general maintenance of the studio and assisting with help for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students' practical work. I've been there 2 weeks and already I simply love the job, I feel like I can really make the most of my skills that I learnt there whilst studying.
As for my Fridays which I'm very lucky to have off, I choose to be back in the studio... an absolute must! Whilst studying at Farnham, one of the main priorities for me was to simply be in the studio everyday if possible and make use of the fantastic space and facilities the studio has to offer. Especially after not being in the studio for about 8 months, I was desperate to get back into a studio and get making! Now I have the chance to play around with new exciting designs again as well as working in a fantastic environment!

Last Friday was the day for dyeing fabric, relaxing in the dye lab and simply experimenting. I'll give this a go for a few more weeks and get a good collection to work with.