It's day 8 and i've now made 3 videos for the students. All of them on plain heat transfer papers, they're so versatile. You can use them in so many ways which i find so fun. So far i'm really enjoying creating these videos. to begin with, iMovie was quite confusing, but it was completely foreign to me so understandably like anything, it just takes a bit of practice.
I probably should be using a more professional software though really, but i am a textile technician, i know nothing about film, and i want to get these videos up and running as soon as possible. I only need them to be basic so that the students have the vital information they need to explore these techniques. Once i get the hang of it all i can then spend time training myself how to use other software.
Here's video 3.... it demonstrates how ordinary flat objects can be used to resist the dye from the heat transfer papers to instantly transfer images onto cloth. It's really simple but effective!